Posting Guidelines
We want this community to be a fun and safe place where people can connect with each other and
freely explore their sexuality. We aim to make this a great community where you are welcomed with
open arms and are not judged by your appearances, sexual orientation, or disability.
That being said, we will not allow this exploration to come at the price or safety of anyone else.
Its sad, but a few bad people can and do ruin it for everyone. Because of that we must all abide by
certain rules and guidelines to keep using the service. This is not another version of the other
personals sites, so please don't assume the same rules apply here.
First and foremost, we encourage you to express who you are. That being said, some fantasies/content
can turn illegal and/or libelous if they are put forth in writing. Because of that, we will moderate
content for things that may be construed as / allude to doing something illegal.
Please take a few minutes to review our full terms. You
agree to FULLY ABIDE by them before you post or use this site. These are general guidelines for
posting in all sections, violating any of them will get you permanently banned from the site:
THERE IS 0% TOLERANCE on content relating to or alluding to minors, children and young
adults. We will
report serious violations to the authorites. If you see or suspect this violation,
REPORT IT to us immediately.
We don't allow the sharing, distribution, or selling of illegal drugs on our site. This includes
Beastiality, sex with animals, or cruelty to animals is STRICTLY not allowed. We will report such
We have started to reject explicit genitalia photos.
Our figures show that posts with genitalia pictures in them get x7 less responses than ones with out
them. If you want to post some skin, we recommend a torso picture. Pictures with your face in them
get x4 more responses than any other photo. Most user seem to think that saving a lil something
something for later is exciting.
Personal contact information such as addresses or phone numbers is not allowed.
We don't allow multiple accounts for one user. We also discourage over-posting (more than 2-3 posts
a day). Repeated violations of over posting / spamming will get your account terminated.
These are meant to be local postings. Posting in areas not local to you will likely get your ad
rejected. Posting in multiple cities at once will likely get you banned from the service.
Finally, please remember that you are ultimately dealing with strangers from the internet. Please be
cautious and safe. Also be very aware of any one asking for money from you. There are a lot of scams
all over the internet. Do not share your financial information with anyone or provide any form of
payment. Please be smart and careful.
We are working hard to stop spammers will be rolling out an elegant solution very shortly.
Enjoy the site and thank you for being awesome!